I don’t know who else needs to hear this today, but everything you’re working toward is coming together in the exact perfect timing ✨ …even if progress feels painfully slow sometimes.⁣ Even when you can’t see it, progress IS happening at this very moment. You are learning the lessons, unlearning the bad habits, developing the […]


November 1, 2021

Progress is Happening AT ALL TIMES!

Do you struggle to find motivation in your life? It was no surprise to me that when I asked those of you who joined our text mentorship list what areas of life or business you wanted mentorship around. An overwhelming number of people asked about how to stay motivated + inspired when you’re working on […]


November 1, 2021

Do You Struggle to Find Motivation?

Feeling certain that you’re capable of achieving your goals is crucial for going after big ideas, but I know that’s easier said than done.

I think that one of the best investments we can make if we’re in business or just really looking to leave a big impact on the world is to really invest in growing our money mindset.  There are a few things that significantly increased my money mindset over the last few years that I think […]


November 1, 2021

Grow Your Money Mindset With These 3 Tips!

One of the best investments we can make if we're in business is to really invest in growing our money mindset. 

I have gotten a ton of feedback from our community lately that imposter syndrome is one of the biggest things standing in the way of making the impact they know they’re meant to make.  Have you felt like you aren’t enough, or aren’t qualified to pursue that big idea? You are SO not alone!  I’m […]


November 1, 2021

3 Tips to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Communities facilitate growth and helps support organization's business models.

Are you craving connection with like-minded women? The PW community is built on the belief that you are NOT meant to do business (or life) alone. But where do you meet and connect with like minded women who will support you? Women who’ll have your back while chasing your big ideas? How do you build […]


November 1, 2021

Craving Connection With Like-Minded Women?

Want to know why you should step into the discomfort? The growth that comes with pursuing big ideas is freaking uncomfortable.  But you know what’s even more uncomfortable? Knowing you have a bigger purpose and NOT pursuing it. ✔️ Fear of criticism & rejection ✔️ Imposter syndrome ✔️ Paralyzing self doubt …we’ve experienced every single […]


November 1, 2021

Discomfort & Why You Should Step Into It

Want to know why you should step into the discomfort? Because it's worse knowing you have a bigger purpose and NOT pursuing it.

“You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” Have you heard this before? We are extraaa passionate about this topic, and we also know it can feel difficult to find and connect with people who understand what it’s like to bring big ideas to life. But we promise, these […]


November 1, 2021

You ARE Who You Surround Yourself With

“You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” We know it can be difficult to connect with people who understand...

Tell us if you can relate to this: you have a BIG idea… A big dream that you are meant to pursue…. You’re ready to take the first action steps, then the self doubt, fear & imposter syndrome start to creep in… Is it just us? No? Knew it. The next time you are second […]


November 1, 2021

Are You Second Guessing That Big Idea?

Don’t be afraid to start small. Consider this episode your permission slip to dream as big as you possibly can.

Do negative thoughts ever creep into your mind, especially when you take a step toward your big ideas? If so, you’re definitely not alone… There IS something you can do about those thoughts. Think about this… It takes just as much energy to imagine the best case scenario in any situation as it does to […]


November 1, 2021

Negative Thoughts & How to Overcome Them

You don’t achieve NEW results by remaining the same person you’ve always been.  Achieving new results in ANY area of life starts by changing YOU—your thoughts, your beliefs, and ultimately who you are being on a day-to-day basis. The answer isn’t usually to “do more”. The answer almost always lies in looking less at what […]


November 1, 2021

Why “Doing More” Isn’t Always The Answer

Something I learned from past experience is that you don’t achieve NEW results by remaining the same person you’ve always been.