Want to know the real “secret” to leveling up FAST and stepping into your higher self? It’s this: You don’t achieve NEW results by remaining the same person you’ve always been. Or as Dr. Joe Dispenza puts it, “in order to step into a new future you must first confront the parts of you that […]
Your Midweek Motivation Boost – Stay Motivated I don’t know if anyone else is feeling this, but because I’m in a BIG season of growth + change right now it has been taking extra effort to maintain a positive, motivated mindset. If you’ve felt this too, you’re not alone! One small change I’ve made is […]
Ever wondered why growth feels so uncomfortable? I don’t know about you, but for me this current season is one of change. Mostly positive change, but change nonetheless. It’s like I’m shedding an old identity and stepping into a new one…which can feel uncomfortable, confronting, and uncertain. If you’re feeling any of these same feelings […]
When I recently asked our text community what topics they MOST wanted to hear discussed as part of the Activate Your Abundance podcast series, the #1 response was this: How do you shift your mindset out of SCARCITY and into ABUNDANCE (especially if your current financial reality feels anything but abundant)? I’ve had some seriously […]
Are you ready to accelerate your growth and meet the next level version of yourself? You can literally become a new person in a matter of months. There is no such thing as “overnight success”. But you CAN accelerate the pace at which you’re growing in certain seasons. The biggest thing you can do to […]
Your negative beliefs are holding you back! “I’ll never be good enough…” “I don’t think I can pull that off…” “This will never work for me…” Have you ever tuned into your internal dialogue and noticed that doubt and fear have entered the chat? Here’s why I’m asking… Your beliefs dictate your thoughts, and your […]
Want to know a secret hack that I use to tap into my higher self? Through my personal style and what I wear. Hear me out… Your personal style is so much more than the clothes you wear…it’s the energy you embody. Wearing certain things that reflect the energy of the person I want to […]
Your growth is dependent on your mindset, and your mindset is made up of your feelings and beliefs towards your current circumstances. So if you believe… 👉🏻 you’re not strong enough to overcome obstacles 👉🏽 you’re not worthy of your desires 👉🏿 you’re not capable of achieving your goals …then it’s much harder to reach […]
The truth is, it’s your birthright to live a life that fulfills your wildest dreams. Do you believe that? No seriously, you are NOT here to live a mundane life and settle for the bare minimum. THREE indisputable truths about life that we want you to remember Settling for less than you desire is just […]
Serious question: do you know what you REALLY want in life with absolute clarity? One reason that people don’t achieve the abundance and success they desire is that they’re not clear about what they actually want. I’m talking about the not-watered-down, BIG and expansive, kinda makes you wanna puke, crazy dream that if you told […]